Little Red Creek

Meet at 8:00 AM at the Game and Fish Parking Lot for a trip to Little Red Creek.  This is a different habitat, and has lots of different birds from what you can find on the north side of the mountain.  The usual birds are Gray and Dusky Flycatchers, Violet-green Swallows, White-throated Swifts, Virginia’s and Black-throated Gray Warblers, Chats (we usually get great views of this bird that prefers the other side of the bush from you), both towhees, Lazuli Buntings and Song Sparrows.  Quite frequently we will find something else that is very interesting.  If people still have the energy, we can stop by The Dirty Shirt Woods for the Plumbeous Vireo.  While I would like to get back around noon, if the birding is good, most people would be better off to bring lunch and water.  The road to Little Red Creek is dirt and nearly impossible if there is any rain.  For this trip, it is best to either call Stacey Scott at (307)262-0055 or look at this website before driving to the Game and Fish.

EKW Bird Walk

We will meet at 8:00 AM near the Platte River Shelter at EKW for a walk around the park.  This shelter is one nearest the river, and the Osprey nest pole.  This is near the peak of warbler migration, so there is real potential for seeing some interesting birds.  I plan on finishing about 10:00 AM, but that depends on how good the birding is.  Call Stacey Scott at (307)262-0055 for more information, or if you miss us at the start and want to find the group.

EKW Bird Walk

Every Tuesday in May we will meet at 8:00 AM at the Platte River shelter at EKW for a walk around the park.  This should cover the migration and the transition to the nesting birds.  Call Stacey Scott at (307)262-0055 for more information or to find the group if you miss us at the start.

EKW Bird Walk

With the weather prediction for this Tuesday (heavy rain), we will delay the bird walk to Wednesday, May 22.  Meet by the Platte River Shelter at 8:00 AM.  This is the area closest to the Osprey nest.  The migration has been very slow this spring, so maybe this is a chance to have lots of migrants.  Call Stacey Scott at (307)262-0055 for more information or to find the group if you miss us at the start.

EKW Bird Walk

Every Tuesday in May we will meet at 8:00 AM at the Platte River shelter at EKW for a walk around the park.  This should cover the migration and the transition to the nesting birds.  Call Stacey Scott at (307)262-0055 for more information or to find the group if you miss us at the start.

EKW Bird Walk

Every Tuesday in May we will meet at 8:00 AM at the Platte River shelter at EKW for a walk around the park.  This should cover the migration and the transition to the nesting birds.  Call Stacey Scott at (307)262-0055 for more information or to find the group if you miss us at the start.


Meet at 9:00 at the Game and Fish Parking Lot for a trip to Goldeneye and the area around the 33 Mile Rd.  There should be early ducks on Goldeneye, and we should be able to find Sandhill Cranes on the hay fields.  We plan on being back by noon. Call Stacey Scott at (307)262-0055 for more information.

Reshaw Park and EKW

Meet at 9:00 at the West End of Reshaw Park for a walk along the river.  We should see Hooded Mergansers, Mallards, Goldeneye and maybe a few more birds.  If there is any interest, we will then go to EKW for a walk there.  I’m planning on being back by noon.  Call Stacey Scott at 262-0055 for more information.