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Field Trip to Casper Mountain

We will meet at 8:00 AM on November 16 at the Game and Fish parking lot for a strenuous hike on Casper Mountain.  This is a beautiful time to walk around the Mountain.  Call Stacey Scott at 307-262-0055 for more details.

Field Trip to Reshaw Park and EKW

Meet at the West End of Reshaw Park at 9:00 AM on October 12 to look for migrating sparrows.  If people have an interest we will then go to Edness Kimbal Wilkins State Park.  Call Stacey Scott at 307-262-0055 for more information.


Goldeneye Field Trip

We will meet at the Game and Fish Parking lot at 9:00 AM on September 14 for a field trip to Goldeneye Reservoir to look for late migrants.  Call Stacey Scott at 307-262-055 for more information.


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