What Ducks Eat and Why Does It Matter?

Have you ever observed a wild duck in a pond or marsh while it is eating “something” in the water? Have you ever wondered what in the world that duck is finding in this water?

Wyoming Game and Fish Migratory Bird biologist Nate Huck will be our guest speaker at the February meeting. Nate is a Wisconsin native where he got his Undergraduate degree; he got his master’s degree in Texas. Nate will talk to us about what ducks eat and why what they eat matters ecologically.

Murie Audubon’s programs are free and open to the public. The program will be on Friday, February 10, 2017, at 7 PM at the Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Building at 2211 King Blvd.

(Note – we will not be hosting the Annual Murie Audubon Society Banquet and Fundraiser in February.)