Janurary 12, 2018 Program – Saw-Whets in the Night

Members of Jenny Edwards’ IB Environmental Systems and Societies class will present our program for January 12, 2018.  The class members participated in Zach Hutchinson’s Northern Saw-Whet Owl banding project on Casper Mountain last October.

Many of you may know about Zach’s Bird Banding at EKW State Park during the summer months.  Unlike that program, these nets are set up during the hours after dark.  The 40 foot long and 8 foot high nets are set up in appropriate habitat and are checked every 30 minutes for owls.  An electronic recording of the owl is used to lure the owls into the net.  When a bird is captured its vital statistics are recorded and the bird is banded before being released.  Little is known about the owl population in Wyoming, so it is hoped that the data will shed light on numbers and perhaps migration data.

Please join us on Friday, January 12, 2018 at 7 pm at the Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Building at 2211 King Blvd. for this program.  As always, the program is free and open to the public!